
Sourced from more than 700 different species of plants from places like Madagascar, China, and India, black pepper oil is a mainstay in the culinary world and fragrances with a broad list of health benefits.

Creating a baseline for cuisine flavor is the province of black pepper. Pairing with salt, black pepper is a signature component of seasoning. Ground pepper’s spicy, hot nature pairs ideally with salt and prepares the palate for other flavors in every dish. Whether a simple salt and black pepper combination seasons a juicy New York strip or unifies a stir-fry chicken and vegetable dish, black pepper is the first item found in a well-stocked pantry and on every table in a well-dressed restaurant.

Black pepper oil is used in small quantities in fragrancies because of its formidable power. The light musky aroma found in black pepper oil serves as an introduction to complex scents that follow.

There are plenty of health benefits embedded in black pepper oil. Sports injuries such as cramps and strains are relieved thanks to antispasmodic properties in the oil. Blood flow increases, allowing oxygenated blood greater access to afflicted areas. The same properties of an increased flow of oxygenated blood alleviate inflammatory conditions, including arthritis. Black pepper oil is a natural way to ease congestion and sinus inflammation; many people experience near-instant relief from these conditions.

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