
Native to the Maluku Islands in Indonesia, the clove tree is a tropical evergreen that produces small, reddish brown flower buds that are commonly used as a spice. Cloves were an important part of the earliest spice trade and are now grown throughout the world.

Found in both whole and ground forms, this versatile spice offers a bold, woody aroma and a warming, bittersweet flavor. Cloves are an integral ingredient in regional cuisines worldwide, and are used to season meats, stews and sauces; add flavor to chai tea and cider; and bring spicy warmth to pies and pastries.

Cloves contain manganese, which helps maintain brain function and build strong bones. Cloves are also high in antioxidants, particularly eugenol, which can reduce the oxidative stress that causes many chronic diseases. Studies suggest that compounds in cloves may also prevent cancers, improve liver health, help regulate blood sugar, promote bone health and treat stomach ulcers.

Clove is also an essential component of many premium skin-care products such as cleansers, moisturizers and serums. Clove oil, a known anti-aging ingredient, helps revitalize skin by boosting blood circulation and reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Its antibacterial properties also help treat acne while reducing blemishes and marks.

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