
Native to the Eastern Mediterranean, anise flower and seed have many culinary, fragrance, and medicinal uses. Anise is used in many baking recipes but most famously in biscotti. However, the sweet, fennel-like flavor is in pizzelles, sweet anise bread, and pfeffernusse. As oil or extract, anise is also used to flavor a variety of liqueurs. The most famous of these is anisette. Several other flavored liqueurs rely on anise flavor; they include arak, ouzo, sambuca, and pastis. Anise flavor enhances teas and coffees; anise is also in root beer for those who enjoy soda.

In the fragrance industry, anise is a complementary scent. Its sweet notes serve as a counterweight to other aromas, creating a perfectly balanced fragrance.

Anise oil provides essential health benefits. In various forms, anise oil soothes upset stomachs and relieves chest congestion symptoms. As an antispasmodic, anise oil prevents high rates of contraction in blood vessels, nerves, and muscles manifesting as coughs, hiccups, clotting, and other similar afflictions. Other health benefits from stimulating blood circulation include warding off inflammatory effects of osteo and rheumatoid arthritis. Anise oil also is used as an antiseptic and helps with wound care.

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