
Artiste launches an Exciting New Collection of Wildcrafted Essential Oils to meet growing demands for natural ingredients.

Glen Rock, NJ – July 2021 – Artiste announces a new partnership with Goymen Essential Oils, a third-generation company whose team has more than 40 years of experience in growing, harvesting, and distilling essential oils. Goymen’s ethics, sustainability, and high-quality products are second to none. All materials used to produce these fine oils are collected from the Southwest Mediterranean Coastal forests and are wild, native, and organic by their nature.

Wildcrafted essential oils will be a key focus for Artiste, in response to customer demand for products that stimulate the development of highly creative and innovative new products.

The increasing demand for all-natural, non-GMO, organic ingredients is at the heart of Artiste’s fervent mission to search the world for the very best resources in every category. “We are extremely honored to have this great opportunity to work with Goymen to meet this mission head-on and bring ‘point-of-difference ingredients to market,” says Joe Raimondo, President of Artiste.

With more than 40 years of experience in the F&F industry, Artiste provides Simplicity, Flexibility, Reliability, and Personal Touch for our customers across the globe.


About Artiste

Artiste is a leading global specialty ingredient partner serving customers worldwide. Through its network of partnerships, Artiste offers the finest quality ingredients, including essential oils, mints, citrus, natural aroma chemicals, and more. Located in northern New Jersey, Artiste is the ingredient partner of choice for delivering unparalleled service and consistent high-quality ingredients. For more information, visit www.artiste.us.com. You have questions, Joe has answers. Ask Joe! jraimondo@artiste.us.com or call 201-447-1311.

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